英语系教师代表Stephen Ling发言

摄影:学生新闻社 周元丽  



Because You Care
Commencement Address
Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College
June 24, 2012-6-21
Stephen Ling
Professor, Tan Kah Kee College

   President Wang, Vice-presidents, members of the faculty, dear parents and graduates,

   Giving a commencement speech, on behalf of our faculty, is a great honor and a heavy responsibility. I come to you with some fear and trembling.

   Because in the western tradition, only someone like Bill Gates or a distinguished, wealthy alumnus would be invited to give such a speech, hoping to inspire all of you to do great things for the society or the world in the days and years to come.

   I am not sure you will remember anything your professors had taught you the last 4 years. I never did. I hope you will. I am not sure you will remember every word I am going to say to you today.

   Here are two stories and both took place in this very campus.

   One day,I saw Martin and I knew there and then he needed a pair of eye glasses so he could see well. I took him to a shop near the North Gate and in a few minutes he was wearing a pair of new glasses. In a short email to me, he said, “Dear Steve, thank you so much for caring about me. Now I can see clearly the power-point in my classes.” This student will be going to America in late August to study for his PhD.

   For days I would watch Xiang Biao, from a distance, happily hopping with only one leg from his dormitory to his classes, on a wooden crutch his father had made for him since he lost a leg when he was a child. Students told me he loved to play basketball with them. Later I heard from his cousin brother Xiang Biao could climb mountains with only one leg. I arranged to meet him and told him it was critically important for him to walk with 2 legs if he wanted a promising future in modern China. With the generosity of my two doctor friends in Australia, we were able to give Xiang Biao a prosthetic leg. He is now walking with 2 legs. This student will be going to do his postgraduate studies at Beihang University in late August.

   The news about Xiang Biao spread quickly in the campus when the story appeared in a national student magazine—China Campus, and in Common Talk, a Xiamen English weekly newspaper. Students would say this to me: “Thank you for doing this for Xiang Biao. I wish I had done something for him but I was busy studying. I hope some day I could do something to help others.”

   I said simply: “That someday might never come again. If you see someone in need, just do it.” I did it because I care for my students.

   So, what do you care the most now after graduation?

   For some of you, it is
   getting married,
   finding the best jobs,
   going overseas for further education, or
   trying to make sense of your education.

   For many, it is this strong inner desire to make lots of money!

   There are more millionaires in China today than anywhere in the world. The most expensive cars and luxury items in the world are sold in China. We see many luxurious villas being built not far from our campus.

   Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, was invited to give a commencement speech at his alma mater—Harvard University. He talked about how “the computers today are exposing us to people we would never know or meet and how many are facing problems, diseases and difficulties in their lives.” He challenged the Harvard professors, students, graduates and guests to do something to better the lives of those we might never meet…

   Many students, in their personal statements to foreign universities, express an ambitious desire “when I finish my graduate studies, I want to return to China and contribute something to my country.” Yes, what are we doing with all our knowledge, wealth and experiences? 

   We hope all of you will share with us, your alma mater Tan Kah Kee College, every now and then, your life, work and adventure, your small and big contributions to inspire others now trying to walk in your footsteps.

   We hope in the near future, Tan Kah Kee College will invite you to return to give this commencement speech and talk gloriously about what you did to make this world a better place because you care.

   You have only one chance to live this life, make the best of it, because you care!









  还有一位同学叫Xiang Biao,我看到他每天靠着他父亲给他做的木拐杖,用自己仅有的一条腿往返于教室和寝室之间。他喜欢和别的同学一起打篮球,还可以靠着自己仅有的一条腿爬山。我怀着好奇心和他见了面。我告诉他:如果他能像正常人一样走路,他将会有一个更美好的未来。后来,在我的两个澳大利亚医生朋友的帮助下,我们成功地给他装上了假肢。现在他可以用两条腿行走了。在今年八月底,他将去北京航空航天大学攻读硕士学位。

  一些学生知道了Xiang Biao的事情后对我说:“谢谢老师您对他的帮助,我也希望我能为他做些什么,但是繁重的课业让我只能专注于学习,我希望有一天,我也能无私地帮助别人”。 我笑着告诉他: “这个所谓的 ‘有一天’可能永远也不会到来,如果你看到了需要帮助的人,那就请立刻伸出你的援手为他们做一些事!我这样做,是因为我关爱我的学生。”





Stephen Ling

